Dorhout Mees active


Strandgaperweg 30
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You compose a day at Dorhout Mees yourself. Young or old, a small or large group. Dorhout Mees offers lots of different activities for everyone. The time you want to spend can vary from half an hour to even a multi-day meeting with an overnight stay in the comfortable hotel. In short: for the ultimate action enthusiast, this is the location par excellence!

Effort and relaxation

Every day, Dorhout Mees combines exercise with relaxation. They offer various shooting, golf and adventure activities and have rooms for 5 to about 900 people. This is how Dorhout Mees makes a meeting, training, workshop, seminar or presentation a great success!

Small(er) groups

Small(er) groups can also come to …

You compose a day at Dorhout Mees yourself. Young or old, a small or large group. Dorhout Mees offers lots of different activities for everyone. The time you want to spend can vary from half an hour to even a multi-day meeting with an overnight stay in the comfortable hotel. In short: for the ultimate action enthusiast, this is the location par excellence!

Effort and relaxation

Every day, Dorhout Mees combines exercise with relaxation. They offer various shooting, golf and adventure activities and have rooms for 5 to about 900 people. This is how Dorhout Mees makes a meeting, training, workshop, seminar or presentation a great success!

Small(er) groups

Small(er) groups can also come to Dorhout Mees for a sports or adventure activity. For example, you can come to shoot bullets, archery or clay pigeons with 5 people, go quad biking, take on a GPS challenge, play football golf and a real game of golf.

