Bij Ons in de Wellerwaard


Bij Ons in de Wellerwaard
Friesepad 4
8305 AZ Emmeloord
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Meet, eat, enjoy and experience life at ‘Bij Ons in de Wellerwaard’. After a day at the beach or on our terrace, come inside and soak up the atmosphere. A delicious lunch, a drink or a full dinner; it's all possible here!

There are a range of delicious bites and snacks offered to accompany the drinks menu. These are also available to satisfy the lighter appetite. We also have a surprising lunch menu, dinner menu and dessert menu.

Our lunch menu includes a full range of smaller dishes (soups, sandwiches and mini salads). This means you can order several dishes and savour a wealth of different tastes! Share, enjoy and let our chef surprise you!

Our dinner menu features smaller dishes, similar to our lunch menu. The dishes are served on boards, so you can order and taste several at the same time!

We look forward to meeting you soon.
