TOP Kuinderbos


Hopweg 2 b
8315 RH Luttelgeest
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A Tourist Orientation Point (TOP) in the Kuinderbos lies at the edge of the oldest and largest forest in the Noordoostpolder. After the draining of that area in Flevoland, not all of the ground was found to be suitable for agriculture, and instead trees were planted in those places. The Kuinderbos is the oldest and largest forest in the Noordoostpolder.

You’ll be amazed by the diversity of the landscape. In the modern-day Luttelgeest (formerly Kuinre) there are the remains of the Kuinderburcht and of the old harbour. The harbour dates from the Middle Ages, when Kuinre was a flourishing trading post. The Schoterveld nature reserve borders on the Kuinderbos, and just a bit further north lies Friesland.  
